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National Day of Action for safer chemicals, Dec 9th

Just a month ago we held our Stroller Brigade on Capitol Hill. Hundreds of participants, hundreds of news stories, and over 80 meetings on the hill.

To keep the momentum going from our Stroller Brigade, we are hosting a National Day of Action on Monday December 9th, to generate phone calls to Congress. Will you join us?

We’ll be underscoring the importance of making sure reform of our federal laws on toxic chemicals is done right.

In 1976 Congress passed a deeply flawed bill, so flawed that we must learn from our mistakes and make sure that any reform passing Congress is adequately protects public health from toxic chemicals.

The bill before the Senate (and recently before the House), the Chemical Safety Improvement Act, as drafted, does NOT protect our families from toxic chemicalsRead our Campaign Director’s testimony before the House last month.

Join our Day of Action on Monday December 9th and tell Congress we need real reform of our federal chemical laws. Sign up to join our email list to participate!

As your friends and family to join us on Monday – making a call has never been so easy!

Share this image on social media to help spread the word–Monday we’ll be storming Congress with our calls, and your participation is key:

Safer Chemicals Healthy Families National Day of Action